Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Chu Teh-Chun

Original Signed Artworks & Limited Edition Prints For Sale

Renowned for his unique style that merged elements of traditional Chinese painting with Western abstract art, Chu Teh-Chun was an artist whose notable works include Lucky Star – an oil on canvas portrait of his wife that was dubbed ‘The Mona Lisa of the East’ by fellow artist, Wu Guanzhong.
« The act of creation is pure spontaneity; »
Chu Teh-Chun
Initially beginning his artistic career as a figurative painter, Teh-Chun found inspiration from Nicolas De Stael’s abstract landscapes, subsequently developing his own trademark style that features rigorous and technical brushwork as well as bold strokes of colour, reminiscent of Chinese calligraphy.
« As in traditional Daoist teaching, creation is the pouring
out of the romantic feeling in your heart. »

Chu Teh-Chun

Alongside Zao Wou-Ki and the aforementioned artist, Guanzhong, Teh-Chun was part of an influential trio dubbed the ‘Three Musketeers’, all of whom were elected as members of the French learned society, Académie des Beaux-Arts. Read More

Chu Teh-Chun


Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

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Do you own an artwork by Chu Teh-Chun that you wish to part with?
We invite you to send us the details. We are continually seeking to acquire exceptional pieces for our collection.

Do you own an artwork by Chu Teh-Chun that you wish to part with?
We invite you to send us the details. We are continually seeking to acquire exceptional pieces for our collection.

Offer Us Your Artwork
What is Chinese contemporary art?

What is Chinese contemporary art?

Chinese Contemporary art is characterized by a profusion of styles and experimental tendencies. Avant- garde exhibitions in the 1980s were closed by government officials, while 1990s political pop and cynical realism emerged. China’s One Child policy also inspired the individual as subject matter.

Albert  RÀFOLS-CASAMADA | Estiu-5 | Etching available for sale on composition gallery

Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Estiu-5, 1988

Limited Edition Print


EUR 450

Albert  RÀFOLS-CASAMADA | Estiu-4 | Etching available for sale on composition gallery

Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Estiu-4, 1988

Limited Edition Print


EUR 450

Albert  RÀFOLS-CASAMADA | Ocells-2  | Etching available for sale on composition gallery

Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Ocells-2 , 1993

Limited Edition Print


EUR 650

Albert  RÀFOLS-CASAMADA | Gran-5 | Etching available for sale on composition gallery

Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Gran-5, 2002

Limited Edition Print


EUR 700