Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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Black and Red Column

David NASH | Red Gum Sheaves | Pastel available for sale on composition gallery

Red Gum Sheaves, 1998




David Nash

Tongue And Groove Stove, 1983

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

David Nash

Birch Crack And Warp Column, 1999

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

David Nash

Downpour, 2004

Drawing / Watercolor


Inquire For Price

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What is Process Art?

Process Art is an artistic movement and creative approach where the focus is on the act of creation rather than the final product. The term process in this context refers to the various stages of art-making, including gathering, sorting, associating, and organizing materials and actions. This movement emphasizes the artistic journey and the human expression involved in creating art, rather than the finished piece itself. Process Art is driven by inherent motivation, intentionality, and the rationale behind the actions, viewing the creative process as the true artwork.

