Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is drypoint?

What is drypoint?

Drypoint is an intaglio printmaking technique where an image is incised onto a plate using a sharp, pointed tool, typically a needle made of metal or diamond. Traditionally, copper plates were used, but today zinc, plexiglass, or acetate are also common. Drypoint is easier for drawing artists to master compared to engraving, as the needle technique resembles drawing with a pencil rather than the more complex burin used in engraving.

Artwork by Miquel Barceló

Richard Diebenkorn

Spade Drypoint, 1982

Limited Edition Print


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Joan Miró

Emehpylop, 1968

Limited Edition Print


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Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Jardí-5, 1985

Limited Edition Print


EUR 400

Pablo Picasso

El Rapto De Jezabel Por Quirón El Centauro II, 1962

Limited Edition Print


EUR 9,560

Richard Diebenkorn

Spade Drypoint, 1982

Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

Joan Hernandez Pijuan

Lliri, 1987

Limited Edition Print


EUR 850

Thomas Schutte

Flowers , 2001

Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

Sandra Gamarra

Los nuevos Oradores III , 2010

Limited Edition Print


EUR 300

Sandra Gamarra

Los nuevos Oradores IV , 2010

Limited Edition Print


EUR 300

Sandra Gamarra

Los nuevos Oradores I , 2010

Limited Edition Print


EUR 300

Sandra Gamarra

Los nuevos Oradores II , 2010

Limited Edition Print


EUR 300

Albert Ràfols-Casamada

Luna Park 2 , 1985

Limited Edition Print


EUR 400

Daniel Richter

Little Doggy, 1995

Limited Edition Print


EUR 790

Gert & Uwe Tobias

Ohne Titel - portfolio (18), 2008

Limited Edition Print


EUR 18,900

Dieter Roth

Untitled, 1975

Limited Edition Print


USD 2,200

Jonathan Monk

My Left Hand Holding a Piece 3 , 2008

Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

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Kinetic art

Kinetic art is an international movement that emerged in the 1920s and gained prominence in the 1960s, referring to art that involves both apparent and real motion. It encompasses any medium that includes movement, either relying on actual motion for its effect or being perceived as moving by the viewer. Early examples include canvas paintings designed to create optical illusions of movement. Today, kinetic art often refers to three-dimensional figures and sculptures, such as those operated by machines or those that move naturally. The movement covers a variety of styles and techniques that frequently overlap.

Computer Art

Computer art refers to any type of digital imagery or graphic artwork created using a computer. Art curators often classify art made with computers as either digital art or new media art. Artists creating computer art leverage technological advancements to produce complex compositions.

Art Nucleare

Arte Nucleare was the name of an artist group founded in Milan in 1951. The group aimed to create art that responded to the dangers and technologies of the nuclear age. Their works often utilized automatic techniques and depicted devastated landscapes and mushroom clouds, reflecting the anxieties of a world on the brink of nuclear catastrophe.

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