Etching on Rives BFK wove paper, printed and published by Atelier Crommelynck, Paris. - Plate size: 221 by 322 mm 8¾ by 12 in - Paper size: 314 by 413 by 68 mm 12 by 16¼ by 2 in. Reference: Cramer 140, Bloch 1249 - B. 1244-1255; BA. 1432-1443; C. BKS 140 // Pablo Picasso's Le Cocu Magnifique I (The Magnificent Cuckold I), created in 1968, is an etching on Rives BFK wove paper, measuring 37 x 48 cm. In this work, Picasso explores themes of human relationships, emotional tension, and vulnerability. The scene features a reclining nude figure engaged with a standing male character whose elongated, skeletal form evokes both fascination and detachment. The intense black-and-white contrast and rough texturing emphasize the psychological depth of the scene, with a surreal interplay between the figures suggesting power dynamics and emotional complexity. The title hints at a narrative involving infidelity, highlighting Picasso's interest in intimate human dramas expressed through layered, expressive lines.
Le Cocu magnifique I, 1968
37 x 48 cm
- Inches
- Centimeters
Etching on Rives BFK wove paper, printed and published by Atelier Crommelynck, Paris. - Plate size: 221 by 322 mm 8¾ by 12 in - Paper size: 314 by 413 by 68 mm 12 by 16¼ by 2 in. Reference: Cramer 140, Bloch 1249 - B. 1244-1255; BA. 1432-1443; C. BKS 140 // Pablo Picasso's Le Cocu Magnifique I (The Magnificent Cuckold I), created in 1968, is an etching on Rives BFK wove paper, measuring 37 x 48 cm. In this work, Picasso explores themes of human relationships, emotional tension, and vulnerability. The scene features a reclining nude figure engaged with a standing male character whose elongated, skeletal form evokes both fascination and detachment. The intense black-and-white contrast and rough texturing emphasize the psychological depth of the scene, with a surreal interplay between the figures suggesting power dynamics and emotional complexity. The title hints at a narrative involving infidelity, highlighting Picasso's interest in intimate human dramas expressed through layered, expressive lines.
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Pablo Picasso
Femme Assise En Pyjama De Plage. II - B1062, 1961
Limited Edition Print
USD 17,750
Pablo Picasso
Exposition Céramique Vallauris - B1286 , 1959
Limited Edition Print
USD 10,700
Pablo Picasso
El Rapto De Jezabel Por Quirón El Centauro II, 1962
Limited Edition Print
EUR 9,560
Pablo Picasso
L'Arrivée Du Chevalier (The Arrival Of The Knight), 1971
Limited Edition Print
EUR 4,850
Pablo Picasso
Les Saltimbanques, From Souvenirs D'un Collectionneur (B. 855; M. 285), 1958
Limited Edition Print
USD 9,000
Pablo Picasso
Les Baigneuses Surprises, From La Suite Vollard, 1933
Limited Edition Print
USD 16,800
Pablo Picasso
Bull And Horse (plate III) In The Arena From Le Chef-d'Å“uvre Inconnu, 1927
Limited Edition Print
USD 8,000
Pablo Picasso
Peintre Avec Deux Modeles Regardant Une Toile, 1927
Limited Edition Print
USD 7,950
Pablo Picasso
Le Cocu Posant Pour Une Photographie Devant Des Spectateurs, 1966
Limited Edition Print
Etching And Aquatint
USD 7,950
Pablo Picasso
L Inspiration Travaille Et Le Peintre Se Tourne Les Pouches, 1951
Limited Edition Print
Mixed Media
USD 7,500
Pablo Picasso
Modèle Et Grande Tête Sculptée (B170 Vollard), 1933
Limited Edition Print
USD 15,500
Pablo Picasso
Famille De Saltimbanques (B163 Vollard), 1933-1939
Limited Edition Print
USD 14,250
Pablo Picasso
Le Repos Du Sculpteur Devant Un Nu à La Draperie, Pl. 51 (B160 Vollard), 1933-1939
Limited Edition Print
USD 14,250
Pablo Picasso
Gentilhomme, Femme Honteuse Et Reître, From: Séries 347, 1968
Limited Edition Print
USD 7,000 - 10,000
Pablo Picasso
Buste Au Corsage à Carreaux, 1957
Limited Edition Print
EUR 55,000 - 60,000
Pablo Picasso
Sur La Scene (Roi Et Couple-phallus), 1966
Limited Edition Print
Etching And Aquatint
Inquire For Price
Pablo Picasso
Deux Buveurs Catalans, From La Suite Vollard, 1934
Limited Edition Print
USD 25,000
Pablo Picasso
Faune Flûtiste Et Bacchantes (Faun Flutist And Dancers), From La Série 347, 1968
Limited Edition Print
USD 12,000
Pablo Picasso
Vieux Beau Saluant Très Bas Une Pupille (old Romeo Bows To His Former Lover), From La Célestine, 1968
Limited Edition Print
USD 15,000
Pablo Picasso
Sculpteur Et Trois Danseuses Sculptés, Pl.81 From La Suite Vollard, 1934
Limited Edition Print
USD 14,700
Pablo Picasso
Raphäel Et La Fornarina, XIL Le Pape Est Bouche Bèe Dans Son Fauteuil, Pl.306 From 'Series 347', 1968
Limited Edition Print
USD 7,000
Pablo Picasso
Peintre Devant Son Chevalet (Painter In Front Of His Easel), From Le Chef-d'Å’uvre Inconnu, 1927
Limited Edition Print
USD 15,000
Pablo Picasso
Jeune Homme Au Masque De Taureau, Faune Et Profil De Femme, 1934
Limited Edition Print
USD 15,750
Pablo Picasso
Jeune Prostituée Et Mousquetaire (Young Prostitute And A Musketeer), From La Série 347, 1968
Limited Edition Print
USD 12,000
Pablo Picasso
Sculptures Et Vase De Fleurs, From The Vollard Suite (B. 189; Ba. 348), 1933
Limited Edition Print
Etching And Aquatint
USD 16,900
Pablo Picasso
Fauno Descubriendo A Una Mujer, 1936
Limited Edition Print
Currently Not Available
Pablo Picasso
Vollard Et Son Chat (Vollard And His Cat), 1960
Limited Edition Print
Etching And Aquatint
Currently Not Available
What is Surrealism?
Surrealism began in the 1920s as an art and literary movement with the goal of revealing the unconscious mind and unleashing the imagination by exploring unusual and dream-like imagery. Influenced by Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis, Surrealist artists and writers sought to bring the unconscious into rational life, blurring the lines between reality and dreams. The movement aimed to challenge conventional perceptions and express the irrational aspects of the human experience.