Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Cesar Baldaccini

Original Signed Artworks & Limited Edition Prints For Sale

Cesar, the common name for Cesar Baldaccini, is a French sculptor active from the 1950's until his death in 1998. He became involved with the Nouveau Realisme movement because he used 'found' objects to compose art. He later joined the Nouveaux Réalistes (New Realists) with artists Arman, Klein, and others; urban life was their motivation. He studied in Marseille and Paris at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. His first one-man exhibition was in Paris in 1954.
« I’m not an intellectual, I like to touch. It’s my hands that make my head work. »
Cesar  Baldaccini
Examples of his sculptures can be seen in museums around Paris and Marseille. He began his career by welding together pieces of 'found' scrap metal and made his early reputation with soldered and solid-welded sculptures of insects, fish, and animals. He was known for very large sculptures, such as a 40 foot high sculpture of his thumb and a 520 ton sculpture of several cars welded together.
« I entered the factory world and learned to approach recuperated materials in their own language. »
Cesar  Baldaccini

His welded metal work is part of his 'compressions' phase. Contrasting his metal work, Cesar moved into his 'expansions' phase by using plastic. In 1965, he started with plastic molds of human imprints and created large, shiny i Read More

Cesar Baldaccini

Friendship, C.1970

Drawing / Watercolor


EUR 4,950

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Do you own an artwork by Cesar Baldaccini that you wish to part with?
We invite you to send us the details. We are continually seeking to acquire exceptional pieces for our collection.

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What is Postmodernism?

What is Postmodernism?

Postmodernism is an art movement that emerged as a reaction against authority and traditional boundaries, seeking to blur the lines between art and everyday life. It aimed to bridge the gap between the cultural elite and the general public by embracing eclectic mixtures of earlier conventions and styles. Postmodernist art often challenges established norms and celebrates diversity, irony, and pastiche, making it a movement that reflects the complexities of contemporary culture.

Lucio Fontana’s 'Concetto Spaziale

Lucio Fontana

Concetto Spaziale, 1968

Limited Edition Print

Mixed Media

EUR 9,600

Sam Francis’s lithograph 'Deux Magots

Sam Francis

Deux Magots, 1960

Limited Edition Print


EUR 12,000

Sam Francis’s lithograph 'Beauty Walk

Sam Francis

Beauty Walk, 1960

Limited Edition Print


EUR 12,000

Sam Francis’s lithograph 'Lover Loved Loved Lover

Sam Francis

Lover Loved Loved Lover, 1960

Limited Edition Print


EUR 12,000