Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Glass?

What is Glass?

Glass is a transparent solid that varies in composition depending on the type. Artists use different types of glass to create art forms such as stained glass, blown glass, and various decorated pieces. Glass can be cut, textured, overlaid, engraved, and shaped in many ways to produce intricate and beautiful works of art.

Image © Dalaifood/Shutterstock

Gunther Uecker

Jahresteller, 1975

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,800

Weiwei Ai

Glass Vase, 2023

Sculpture / Object


GBP 5,000 - 7,000

Rafael Jesus Soto

Mirroire, 2005

Sculpture / Object


EUR 10,000

Sound Art

Sound Art is an artistic discipline where sound is used as the primary medium. Like other contemporary art genres, Sound Art is inherently interdisciplinary, engaging with a variety of subjects including electronics, acoustics, noise music, psychoacoustics, audio media, video, film, and sculpture. Early examples of Sound Art include Luigi Russolo's noise intoners, as well as experimental works by Surrealists, Dadaists, and the Fluxus movement. These early pioneers helped establish sound as a legitimate medium for artistic expression.


Tapestry is a woven form of textile. It is generally heavy, and the completed work has a decorative pattern, design or realistic depiction of a portrait or real life activities. Tapestries were hung on castle walls and behind thrones as symbols of royal authority.

Aesthetic movement

The Aesthetic Movement emerged in the late 19th century, emphasizing the beauty and sensual qualities of art over practical or moral considerations. It promoted the idea of creating art for its own sake, valuing beauty and aesthetic experience as ends in themselves. The movement was particularly influential in Britain.

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