Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Crayon?

What is Crayon?

Crayon is the French word for pencil. It is a pointed stick of colored wax, chalk, charcoal or clay used for coloring and drawing. Crayons are made from paraffin wax derived from petroleum, coal or wood. Pastel and oil pastels are also types of crayons.

Image © optimarc/Shutterstock

Thiebaud Wayne

Untitled (sketch of Sitting Figures), 1980

Drawing / Watercolor


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Digital Art

An artistic practice or work that makes use of digital technology as a fundamental part of the creation and presentation process. Several different names have been used since 1970s to describe this process including multimedia and computer art. The digital art in itself is included in the large art umbrella called "the new media art" that has brought changes to the art industry. In fact, technology has completely transformed painting, drawing, sound/music and sculpture art into new digital forms.

Art Nucleare

Arte nucleare was the name of a Milan artist group founded in 1951. The group sought to make art which responded to the dangers and technology of the nuclear age. Their works proposed using automatic techniques, and included devastated landscapes and renderings of bomb clouds.

Interactive art

A form of art where the spectator is involved by the artist to achieve the art's purpose. This can be done by letting the visitor or observer "walk" around, in and on the art installation. Others may ask the spectator or the artist to become part and parcel of their artwork. Works in this category often feature computers, sensors and interfaces to respond to meteorological changes, heat, motion or other input types programmed by the maker to respond to by them.

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