Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Carborundum?

What is Carborundum?

Carborundum is the trademark name for silicon carbide crystals used as an abrasive material in sandpaper, cutting tools and grinding wheels. Artists originally used the substance for grinding lithography stones, but collagraph prints use it to create texture and tone gradients.

Image © Muka In Room/Shutterstock

Georg Jiri Dokoupil

Goldblau, 2018

Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

Antoni Clave

La Gloire Des Rols I, 1975

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,250

Otto Piene

Zyklop Gelb, 1984

Limited Edition Print


EUR 2,400

Antoni Clave

Untitled, 1970

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,130

Antoni Clave

El guant, 1971

Limited Edition Print


Currently Not Available

Jasper Johns

Untitled, 1988

Limited Edition Print


USD 21,000 - 30,000

Jasper Johns

Untitled, 1988

Limited Edition Print


USD 41,000 - 45,000


Postminimalism describes the range of art styles in the 1960s which followed Minimalism. Forms of art common the term include conceptual, body, performance, process and site-specific themes. While Minimalism generally embraced impersonality, postminimalists sought to retain Minimalism or embrace expressiveness; investigating new materials and techniques.


Kitsch is the term used to describe cheap, commercial, sentimental or vulgar pieces common to popular culture. It is the English use of a German word which actually means trash. Kitsch has described the opposite of high artwork since the 1920s.


Cubism was the attempt to depict different views of objects or figures together in one picture. Artists George Braque and Pablo Picasso began this style around 1907, and the name cubism resulted from their compositional use of geometric outlines resembling cubes.

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