Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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Red Hand no.5

Liu Bolin | Holding Democratic Elections According to Law | Photograph available for sale on

Holding Democratic Elections According to Law, 2006




Liu Bolin

Hide In The City N 37, 2007



EUR 15,400

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What is Performance Art?

Performance Art is a genre of fine art that is traditionally interdisciplinary, involving various art forms. It can be scripted or unscripted, random or carefully orchestrated, spontaneous, or meticulously planned, with or without audience participation. Performance Art can be presented live or through media, with the artist either present or absent. It typically involves four basic elements: space, the performer’s body or presence through a medium, time, and the relationship between performer and audience. The artwork consists of actions performed by an individual or group in a specific time and space.

