Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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This print wished to be on the other side of this wall

Laure Prouvost Ideally This Print Would Be Hanged Higher etching with white text on black background commenting on display placement.

// Ideally This Print Would Be Hanged Higher by Laure Prouvost, created in 2016, is a limited edition etching that exemplifies the artist’s conceptual and humorous approach to art. The print consists of simple white text on a stark black background, reading, IDEALLY THIS PRINT WOULD BE HANGED HIGHER. This statement wryly comments on the relationship between art, its presentation, and viewer perception, playfully challenging expectations around display conventions. Prouvost, known for her often whimsical and thought-provoking works, invites the viewer to consider not just the artwork itself but also the physical and contextual placement that frames our experience of it.

Artwork Copyright © Laure Prouvost

Ideally this print would be hanged higher, 2016




// Ideally This Print Would Be Hanged Higher by Laure Prouvost, created in 2016, is a limited edition etching that exemplifies the artist’s conceptual and humorous approach to art. The print consists of simple white text on a stark black background, reading, IDEALLY THIS PRINT WOULD BE HANGED HIGHER. This statement wryly comments on the relationship between art, its presentation, and viewer perception, playfully challenging expectations around display conventions. Prouvost, known for her often whimsical and thought-provoking works, invites the viewer to consider not just the artwork itself but also the physical and contextual placement that frames our experience of it.

Artwork Copyright © Laure Prouvost

Laure Prouvost

It Calms Us Both 1, 2014

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,200

Laure Prouvost

It Calms Us Both 2 , 2014

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,200

Laure Prouvost

It Calms Us Both 3 , 2014

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,200

Laure Prouvost

This Print Wished You Would., 2015

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

Ideally This Print Will Take You Far Way, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

Ideally This Print Would Be Hanged Higher, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

This Print Wished To Be On The Other Side Of This Wall, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

Ideally This Wall Would Melt Under Your Gaze, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

This Print Has Traveled Far To Touch You, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

Laure Prouvost

Idealy Here The Roof Be Open To The Sky, 2016

Limited Edition Print


EUR 1,000

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What is appropriation?

Appropriation in art involves using pre-existing images or objects with little or no modification. This technique has played a significant role across various art forms, including visual arts, music, performance, and literature. In visual arts, appropriation refers to the practice of adopting, sampling, recycling, or borrowing elements—or even entire forms—of existing visual culture, integrating them into new works to create meaning or critique.

