Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Carmen Herrera

Obras artísticas originales firmadas e ilustraciones de edición limitada a la venta

Carmen Herrera was born in 1915 , in Cuba. After demonstrating a natural talent for art, Herrera began formal lessons at the age of 8. When she was 14 years old, her parents enrolled her in Marymount School in Paris where Carmen continued to study art.
« Being a voice for my community is something that
I don't take lightly. »

Carmen Herrera
In 1937, Herrera moved to the United States with her husband and continued her education at the Art Students League in New York while also taking classes at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Originally trained as an architect, Carmen Herrera creates artwork that features strong lines and symmetry.
« Beauty comes from within, but it's up to us to use fashion and beauty to express who we are on the inside. »
Carmen Herrera

Her precision to detail, measurement, and scale leads to striking minimalist productions featuring very few colors with geometric form. Even after all her training, and the many works of art she has produced, Carmen Herrera was not discovered as an artist until she was 89 years old. At that time, she sold her first piece. At the age of 101, she final Saber Más

Carmen Herrera

Untitled, 2018

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 7,750

Carmen Herrera

Rojo Y Negro (Red And Black), 1993

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 5,400

Carmen Herrera

Verde Y Rojo, 2019

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 7,700

Carmen Herrera

Untitled NRW, 2017

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 8,300

Carmen Herrera

The Way, 2017

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 9,900

Carmen Herrera

Untitled (Red And White), 2011

Print De Edición Limitada


GBP 5,000 - 6,000

¿Nuevas obras artísticas?

Vende una obra de arte de Carmen Herrera

¿Posees una obra de arte de Carmen Herrera que deseas vender?
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¿Posees una obra de arte de Carmen Herrera que deseas vender?
Te invitamos a enviarnos los detalles. Continuamente buscamos adquirir piezas excepcionales para nuestra colección.

Ofrecenos tu obra de arte
¿Qué es el arte abstracto?

¿Qué es el arte abstracto?

El arte abstracto usa el lenguaje visual de la forma, la figura, la línea y el color para lograr el efecto deseado. Aún así, no busca representar la realidad externa, sino la composición del arte abstracto que puede existir con un nivel de independencia de las referencias visuales del mundo.

Gunther Uecker | Move | undefined available for sale on

Gunther Uecker


Limited Edition Print


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