Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is ink?

What is ink?

Ink is a colored liquid or paste used for writing, drawing, painting, and printing. The term also refers to the process of applying ink to mark, cover, stain, draw, or trace over pencil lines. Ink can be applied using various tools, such as pens, brushes, and quills.

Image © nani888/Shutterstock

Geneviève Claisse

Composition géométrique, c. 1970

Drawing / Watercolor


EUR 3,000

Keith Haring

Private Listing

Drawing / Watercolor


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Miquel Barceló

Sin título, 1984

Drawing / Watercolor


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Joe Bradley

Untitled, 2014

Limited Edition Print


USD 1,300

Jan Fabre

Composition , 1995

Drawing / Watercolor


EUR 7,200

John Armleder

Étude, 1966

Drawing / Watercolor


EUR 4,000

Alex Katz

Laura 5, 2018

Limited Edition Print


USD 4,850


Unique Ink Sketch on PAFA , 2013

Drawing / Watercolor


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Geometric Abstract art

Geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art that uses geometric shapes arranged in a non-illusionistic space (though not always) and combined into non-representational (non-objective) compositions. Based on years of artistic research, some artists have proposed that geometric abstraction offers a solution to modern challenges by rejecting traditional illusionistic practices in favor of clarity and simplicity.

Net Art

Net Art is art created on the internet, specifically for the internet. Artists who create it use computers to generate imagery, exhibit art online, or build programs that produce unique artworks. Since the 1990s, the movement has been considered subversive because it transcends geographic boundaries and defies traditional art norms, challenging conventional ideas of where and how art should be experienced.

Graffiti Art

Graffiti art refers to drawings and writings that are painted, scratched, or scribbled on walls or other surfaces, typically in public spaces. This art form ranges from small tags to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has been in existence since ancient times, with examples dating back to the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt.

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