Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch



Serbia's vibrant contemporary art scene is a nexus of past and future, where history intertwines with fresh creativity. Artists like Marina Abramovi? and Ivana Baši? generate conversation, pushing the boundaries of what art can be. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade and the Center for Contemporary Art host this ongoing exploration. Visit Composition Gallery's website to delve deeper into Serbia's contemporary art world.

Marina Abramovic

512 Hours (2014), 2021



EUR 2,400

Marina Abramovic

Portrait with Falcon, 2010


Pigment print

Currently Not Available


Wood is one of the most ancient and versatile materials used in creating art. It has served as a base for paintings, brush handles, pens, and pencils, as well as for easels, wood engraving, woodcut, woodblock printing, and sculpting. Various types of wood, such as oak, maple, and pine, are commonly used in these artistic applications.


A plate is a broad, primarily flat vessel used for serving food, but it can also serve ceremonial or decorative purposes. Plates are typically circular, though they can be any shape and made from various water-resistant materials. Most plates have raised edges, either by curving upward or featuring a wider lip. Vessels without a raised edge or with a more rounded profile are often considered bowls or dishes, while very large, plate-shaped vessels might also be classified as dishes.

Xiamen Dada

Xiamen Dada was a Chinese artist group based in Xiamen, a city on China’s southeast coast. Emerging in the 1980s, the group explored the relationship between Chan Buddhism and European Dada, embracing absurdity and the use of chance in the creation of their artworks. Xiamen Dada sought to challenge conventional artistic norms, blending Eastern philosophy with the avant-garde practices of Dada, and became known for their provocative and unconventional approach to art.

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