What is pen and ink?
Pen and ink is a traditional drawing technique that involves using a dip pen with India ink on paper. The fine tip of the dip pen is ideal for creating varied lines and detailed shading. Some artists prefer using a fountain pen with an ink reservoir for greater convenience.
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CoBrA stands for Copenhagen, Brussels, and Amsterdam; the group was formed with a desire to break away from the existing art movements of the time. Their critique of Western society led them to experiment and evolve into a significant international movement. CoBrA was founded on November 8, 1948, at the Notre Dame Café in Paris, where its manifesto was signed by Karel Appel, Joseph Noiret, Corneille, Christian Dotremont, Constant, and Asger Jorn. The group was united by a shared commitment to freedom in both form and color, and their work emphasized experimentation and spontaneity.

Grupo Frente was a movement founded in 1954 in Brazil by teaching artist Ivan Serpa. The movement included many students from the Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art and sought to reject the nationalism and figuration present in the modernist forms of Brazilian painting. Grupo Frente emphasized experimentation and abstraction, aiming to explore new artistic possibilities beyond traditional constraints.