Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is computer printing?

What is computer printing?

Computer printing in its basic form is the process of using computer technology to reproduce fine art images to make prints. In more advanced techniques, artists can program computers to produce art images which are then transferred onto paper using printing technology.

Image © KOKTARO/Shutterstock
Eat Art

EAT( Experiments in Art and Technology) was a movement formed to develop and build collaborations between engineers and artists. It worked by contacting artists and engineers on a person-to-person basis. It was originally launched by artists Robert Whitman and Robert Rauschenberg and engineers Fred Waldhauer and Billy Kluver in 1967. The movement carried out activities and projects that expanded artist's role in the contemporary society.


Sculpture and Painting genre that resemble the high solution photographs. It is an advancement from photorealism. It is often applied to independent art style or movement common in Europe and the United States that was developed in early 2000.

Naive art

Naïve art describes a style of artwork which is unsophisticated and simple. It usually describes the artwork of artists who have not trained in a formal academy or art school. The style is unsophisticated, simple, lacking advanced art techniques; appearing that a child made it.

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