Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is behavior art?

What is behavior art?

A Chinese equivalent that describes performance art. It is a new term in arts and may be difficult in articulating unless people understand what they are attempting to create. It is however, a flexible concept that focuses on things that make the everyday, common and community things. It is heightened, refined and reflective of how people behave, move or live.

Artwork by Zhang Huang

Glass is a transparent solid. It varies in composition based on the type of glass. Artists use these variants to create art glass, including stained, blown, and a myriad of decorated forms. Glass can be cut, textured, surfaced with overlays, and engraved.


Crayon is the French word for pencil. It is a pointed stick of colored wax, chalk, charcoal or clay used for coloring and drawing. Crayons are made from paraffin wax derived from petroleum, coal or wood. Pastel and oil pastels are also types of crayons.


Wire is a single strand or rod of flexible metal. One of its earliest uses was for making chains and decorations for jewelry. It comes in varied thicknesses, and may be bent, braided and cut using wire tools, to create sculpture, assemblage and mobiles.

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