Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is an installation?

What is an installation?

Three dimensional artistic genre and site-specific works often designed to change the perception of space. It generally applies to interior spaces. The art can be temporary or permanent and are mostly constructed is spaces like museums and galleries, as well as private and public spaces.

Image © OliveTree/Shutterstock

Postmodernism is artwork which sought to make visual statements against authority, to remove boundaries between art and everyday life, and to bridge gaps between the cultural elite and popular masses. Art in this movement embraces many earlier conventions and styles in eclectic mixtures.

Sculpture / Object

A sculpture is a three-dimension object made using any one of the basic sculpting processes. These include carving, casting, constructing or modeling. Carving materials may be bone, ivory, stone or wood. Modeling and casting use clay or wax, while constructions glue materials together.

Net Art

Net Art is made on the internet, for the internet. Artists who create it use computers for imagery, exhibit art online, or build programs creating unique artworks. Since the 1990s, the movement has been viewed as subversive because it transcends geographic limits defying conformity.

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