Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a portfolio?

What is a portfolio?

Portfolio is the term used to describe a set or series of images collected in a folder to be stored or displayed. Artists often keep images together which they prefer to present as a group. Some are related thematically, while others are not.

Artwork by Agnes Martin
Art Brut

A French term that means Raw Art. It was invented by Jean Dubuffet in an attempt to describe and explain naive and graffiti art made outside the normal fine art's academic tradition. He termed it as Outsider Art, made by loners, prisoners, the mentally ill and other groups of people considered marginalized. It is made without thought to presentation or imitation.


Cubism was the attempt to depict different views of objects or figures together in one picture. Artists George Braque and Pablo Picasso began this style around 1907, and the name cubism resulted from their compositional use of geometric outlines resembling cubes.

Acrylic on paper

Acrylic on paper is a technique which uses acrylic paints on a wide variety of paper weights and textures. Artists may choose to use watercolor paper with smooth or rough surfaces. Using the acrylic paints with watercolor methods, such as bleeding, washing and spattering.

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