Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a mobile?

What is a mobile?

Mobile is the term used to describe a kinetic sculpture. A mobile is basically an ensemble of parts which are balanced together to hang freely, move independently, or as a whole, when moved by air or contact, constructed of wire and colorful metal shapes.


Cubism was the attempt to depict different views of objects or figures together in one picture. Artists George Braque and Pablo Picasso began this style around 1907, and the name cubism resulted from their compositional use of geometric outlines resembling cubes.

Naive art

Naïve art describes a style of artwork which is unsophisticated and simple. It usually describes the artwork of artists who have not trained in a formal academy or art school. The style is unsophisticated, simple, lacking advanced art techniques; appearing that a child made it.

Abstract art

Abstract art uses visual language of form, shape, line and color to achieve its desired effect. However, it does not attempt or seek to represent external reality but the created abstract art composition may exist with a level or degree of independence from the world's visual references.

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