Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a mobile?

What is a mobile?

Mobile is the term used to describe a kinetic sculpture. A mobile is basically an ensemble of parts which are balanced together to hang freely, move independently, or as a whole, when moved by air or contact, constructed of wire and colorful metal shapes.

Abstract art

Abstract art uses visual language of form, shape, line and color to achieve its desired effect. However, it does not attempt or seek to represent external reality but the created abstract art composition may exist with a level or degree of independence from the world's visual references.

Net Art

Net Art is made on the internet, for the internet. Artists who create it use computers for imagery, exhibit art online, or build programs creating unique artworks. Since the 1990s, the movement has been viewed as subversive because it transcends geographic limits defying conformity.

Art Brut

A French term that means Raw Art. It was invented by Jean Dubuffet in an attempt to describe and explain naive and graffiti art made outside the normal fine art's academic tradition. He termed it as Outsider Art, made by loners, prisoners, the mentally ill and other groups of people considered marginalized. It is made without thought to presentation or imitation.

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