Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a Maquette?

What is a Maquette?

Maquette is the term used for a scale model of a sculpture which is not finished yet. It serves as a rough draft so that the artist can test ideas about the sculpture without spending the effort and cost to make the full-size sculpture.

Image © Tomasz Ozdoba/Shutterstock

Jockum Nordström

Children's drawing #6, 2013

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,700


Derogatory term that refers to some popular culture forms. It describes an art movement that began in Los Angeles in 1970s. Lowbrow relates to a person with little intellectual or taste interest.


A style in music and visual arts that uses designs that are pared-down. It began in Western art after world war II strongly in the American Visual arts. Minimalism greatly derives modernism aspects and is often seen as an anti-Abstract Expressionism and to some extend, a connection to the practices of post minimal art. Some of the prominent artists are Agnes Martin, Donald Judd, Robert Morris,Frank Stella and Dan Flavin.


Anti-art describes artwork which challenges accepted art definitions. The term is said to have been created by artist Marcel Duchamp who worked with the art media called readymades; everyday items presented as art to defy traditional expectations that art should be high art.

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