Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a Maquette?

What is a Maquette?

Maquette is the term used for a scale model of a sculpture which is not finished yet. It serves as a rough draft so that the artist can test ideas about the sculpture without spending the effort and cost to make the full-size sculpture.

Image © Tomasz Ozdoba/Shutterstock

Jockum Nordström

Children's drawing #6, 2013

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,700

Conceptual art

Sometimes referred to as Conceptualism. It is an art where idea(s) or concept(s) included in the work come before material concerns and traditional aesthetic. Many of these conceptual artworks can be constructed by any person by simply following instructions written. The concept or idea is the most fundamental aspect of artwork.

Funk Art

In the 1960s, Fun Art was a reactive movement against abstract exressionism. It was widely known as an anti-establishment movement, the name comes from the jazz term "funky". This had positive and negative notations as the term in the jazz world, described passion, quirkyness, and sensuality, while it could also be associated with a foul odor. Funk was popular in California Bay Area, and while the artists of the Funk Art era had similar attitudes and artwork, they did not consider themselves as a part of a group movement.


Portmanteau word that was coined by James Seehafer, an American artist in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who mixed themes and aesthetic styles together with mass media that include pop art. This art is a development of surrealism that puts emphasis on technological effect on the image of contemporary surrealism. The difference between massurrealism and surrealism is the foundation of the later in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. 

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