Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is wire?

What is wire?

Wire is a single strand or rod of flexible metal. One of its earliest uses was for making chains and decorations for jewelry. It comes in varied thicknesses, and may be bent, braided and cut using wire tools, to create sculpture, assemblage and mobiles.

Image © PRILL/Shutterstock
Kinetic art

International movement referring to both apparent and real motion of art created in the 1920s and 1960s. It is explained as art emerging from any medium containing some movement that depends on motion for effect or can be perceived by the viewer. Canvas paintings are some of the notable and earliest examples of this art type. Speaking pertinently, kinetic art today refers to 3 dimensional figures and sculptures such as those operated by machines or those that move naturally. It encompasses a variety of styles and techniques that overlap.

Nouveau Realism

Artistic movement that was founded by Pierre Restany, an art critic in 1960 together with the painter Yves Klein during a collective exposition at a gallery in Milan. The original manifesto was written by Pierre Restany and proclaimed Nouveau Realisme in April 1960. The declaration was later signed in October the same year by a goup of nine people namely Martial Raysse, Yves Klein, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely, Arman and Pierre Restany together with the three Ultra - Lettrists, Jacques de la villegle, Francois Dufrene and Raymond Hains. Later, in 1961, these were joined by Mimmo Rotella, Niki de Saint Phalle, Gérard Deschamps and César

Light and Space

Refers to loosely affiliated movements that relate to minimalism, geometric abstraction and op art that originated from Southern California back in the 1960s and was greatly influenced by John McLaughlin. Artists focused on sensory phenomena such as light and others as the center of their work. In addition, they incorporated latest technologies in aerospace and engineering industries so as to develop light filled and sensuous objects.

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