Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is the New Leipzig School?

What is the New Leipzig School?

A movement in modern German painting, it's the third generation and relates to how Germany today post-reunification looks like. The movement for the new Leipzig school is linked to people like Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Unlike the first generation of Leipzig paintings, the third generation do not have clear characteristics and messages. Instead, the paintings are a combination of figurative and abstract elements, making creativity come to the forefront.

Artwork by Neo Rauch
Found objects

Found objects, objet trouvé in French, are items which an artist finds and incorporates within a work of art. Collectors have been displaying aesthetic objects in collections for centuries. But modern art uses objects with non-art functions, such as recycled or repurposed materials.

Oil on canvas

A type of paint that dries slowly and consists of pigment particles suspended in oil for drying, mostly linseed oil. By adding a solvent like turpentine, the paint's viscosity may be modified and vanish can also be added to increase glossiness of the paint film that's dried. Use of oil began long time ago in Europe from as early as the 12th century where it was commonly used for decoration. It was however, not adopted to be used as a medium up until the 15th century.


A Pencil is a writing tool constructed with a core of solid pigment, either black or colored, encased by a protective layer of wood or composite material. Pencils leave marks on paper by leaving part of the core pigment on the surface.

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