Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Stuckism?

What is Stuckism?

Art movement that promotes figurative painting rather than conceptual art. It was founded 1999 by Charles Thomson and Billy Childish. It initially had 13 artists in Britain but has spread to 52 countries and expanded rapidly to 233groups. Several manifestos have been issued by Billy and Thomson since the emergence of the movement. Most of the manifestos promote modernism spirit and production of spiritual art irrespective of medium, matter, subject or style.  

Artwork © Billy Childish - Sailish Fisherman, 2020

Ceramics is an art form using clay to create objects. The clay is shaped, molded and formed by hand, using specialized tools, and baked, or fired, in a high temperature oven, or kiln. Decorative color, special glazes, are painted on, and fired again to finish.


Artist's device that sprays various media including dye and ink by means of compressed air. Some works of James Rosenquist ( Pop American artist) are products made by use of airbrush. He both worked as a sign and industrial painter. The huge F-111 1965 painting is one his famous works.


Metalcut was a technique for relief printing. It existed primarily from about 1450 to 1540 in Europe. The technique used thin metal plates. One method cut or hammered away parts which should not print. A second used engraving to show white lines on black background.

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