Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is plaster?

What is plaster?

Plaster is a mixture of heat treated and powdered gypsum. It is mixed with water to make a solid sculpture, cast in a mold, carved, modeled and attached to other materials. Artists have used plaster for working models and finished artwork for centuries.

Image © Suslov Denis/Shutterstock

Mark Dion

Emanations of the Earth, 2017

Sculpture / Object


EUR 950

Digital Art

An artistic practice or work that makes use of digital technology as a fundamental part of the creation and presentation process. Several different names have been used since 1970s to describe this process including multimedia and computer art. The digital art in itself is included in the large art umbrella called "the new media art" that has brought changes to the art industry. In fact, technology has completely transformed painting, drawing, sound/music and sculpture art into new digital forms.

Latin American Art

Latin American Art is a style which takes inspiration from its culture, society, politics, native traditions, religions and landscape. Op-Art and Kinetic Art figure prominently in Latin artworks. Colors in Latin American compositions are often bold. Latin American artists work in all media and movements.

Net Art

Net Art is made on the internet, for the internet. Artists who create it use computers for imagery, exhibit art online, or build programs creating unique artworks. Since the 1990s, the movement has been viewed as subversive because it transcends geographic limits defying conformity.

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