Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is plaster?

What is plaster?

Plaster is a mixture of heat treated and powdered gypsum. It is mixed with water to make a solid sculpture, cast in a mold, carved, modeled and attached to other materials. Artists have used plaster for working models and finished artwork for centuries.

Image © Suslov Denis/Shutterstock

Mark Dion

Emanations of the Earth, 2017

Sculpture / Object


EUR 950

Neue Wilden

Neue Wilden is the term German artist used for neo-expressionism. In the 1970s and 80s, expressive painting emerged once more in the country, and artists embraced the intense colors and broad brushstrokes used. The movement grew in opposition to minimal and conceptual art.


Derogatory term that refers to some popular culture forms. It describes an art movement that began in Los Angeles in 1970s. Lowbrow relates to a person with little intellectual or taste interest.

Kinetic art

International movement referring to both apparent and real motion of art created in the 1920s and 1960s. It is explained as art emerging from any medium containing some movement that depends on motion for effect or can be perceived by the viewer. Canvas paintings are some of the notable and earliest examples of this art type. Speaking pertinently, kinetic art today refers to 3 dimensional figures and sculptures such as those operated by machines or those that move naturally. It encompasses a variety of styles and techniques that overlap.

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