Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Oil on Board?

What is Oil on Board?

Oil on board is a painting technique where oil paint is applied to either wood panels that have been sanded and primed or high-density cardboard covered with canvas. These surfaces offer the advantage of being more compact for storage compared to traditional stretched canvas on frames, while still providing a stable surface for painting.

Image © Tatiana Mihaliova/Shutterstock
Junk art

Junk art is a form of art that demonstrates how any material or object can be used to create a wide range of paintings, sculptures, installations, and assemblages. Many Junk Art pieces are made using ordinary materials found in everyday life. By applying artistic knowledge and skills, artists can transform these common objects into remarkable works of art.

Geometric Abstract art

Geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art that uses geometric shapes arranged in a non-illusionistic space (though not always) and combined into non-representational (non-objective) compositions. Based on years of artistic research, some artists have proposed that geometric abstraction offers a solution to modern challenges by rejecting traditional illusionistic practices in favor of clarity and simplicity.

Drawing / Watercolor

Drawing and watercolor are two traditional art techniques which stand alone as media, but are often used in conjunction with each other. Drawing can create the basic outlines for watercolor painting. Drawing over dried watercolor or using watercolor pencils are combined media techniques.

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