Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Massurrealism ?

What is Massurrealism ?

Portmanteau word that was coined by James Seehafer, an American artist in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who mixed themes and aesthetic styles together with mass media that include pop art. This art is a development of surrealism that puts emphasis on technological effect on the image of contemporary surrealism. The difference between massurrealism and surrealism is the foundation of the later in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. 

Massurreal image by Chip Simons

Charcoal is sticks of charred wood used to make initial studies and finished drawings. It is easily smudged and erased. It requires resin or gum to make it stick to surfaces permanently, and is ideal for sketching first ideas on walls or canvas.

Oil on paper

Oil on paper is a technique which allows painters to use economical paper without the need to use primer before painting. Some are able to combine oil paints with solvents to achieve watercolor effects such as color washes with thinned paint, spattering and mingling colors.

Computer printing

Computer printing in its basic form is the process of using computer technology to reproduce fine art images to make prints. In more advanced techniques, artists can program computers to produce art images which are then transferred onto paper using printing technology.

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