Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Massurrealism ?

What is Massurrealism ?

Portmanteau word that was coined by James Seehafer, an American artist in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who mixed themes and aesthetic styles together with mass media that include pop art. This art is a development of surrealism that puts emphasis on technological effect on the image of contemporary surrealism. The difference between massurrealism and surrealism is the foundation of the later in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. 

Massurreal image by Chip Simons

Ceramics is an art form using clay to create objects. The clay is shaped, molded and formed by hand, using specialized tools, and baked, or fired, in a high temperature oven, or kiln. Decorative color, special glazes, are painted on, and fired again to finish.


Clay is earth which is made when rocks weather and finally decompose. It takes a long time for water to carry pieces of earth, creating muck. The muck is collected, cleaned, prepared by removing rocks, and refined by adding sand to make clay.


Marker is the term used for a wide array of drawing tools made with colorful inks which dry quickly. They vary in size and colorant, which may be ink, dye or paint. They are available with tip variations and make smooth marks with distinct edges.

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