What is marouflage on canvas?
Marouflage on canvas is a technique where a paper artwork is affixed to a canvas using a transparent adhesive. This method is often used to avoid the need for framing behind glass and is usually reversible. Marouflage helps to preserve the artwork while allowing it to be displayed like a traditional painting.
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Browser art is a form of renegade art where artists use computers to transform code, website structures, and server links into visual material. These artists, often called net artists or net writers, manipulate computer code to create artworks that transform web pages into entirely different images or experiences.
Massurrealism is a portmanteau word coined by American artist James Seehafer in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who blended themes and aesthetic styles with mass media, including elements of pop art. Massurrealism is a development of surrealism that emphasizes the technological effects on the imagery of contemporary surrealism. The key difference between massurrealism and surrealism is that the latter was founded in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, while massurrealism is rooted in the influence of modern technology and media.
Intaglio is a printmaking technique where a design is incised below the surface of a metal or stone plate. Ink is applied to the plate, filling the incised lines or depressions, while the surface is wiped clean. The ink in the depressions is then transferred to paper using an etching press. Common intaglio techniques include engraving, etching, and drypoint.