Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Manifesto Invencionista?

What is Manifesto Invencionista?

Manifesto Invencionista was a 1946 published manifesto which announced the Argentinian beginning of the concrete art movement in Buenos Aires. Artist Tomás Maldonado wrote the Inventionist Manifesto; published by the Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención. Concrete art is abstract, with no basis on visual reality.

Inventionist Manifesto. in Arte Concreto-Invención magazine

Variant woodcut printmaking technique where linoleum sheet is used to act as the relief surface. The surface is then cut into a V-shaped gouge or chisel design so the raised areas represent a mirror image(reversal) to show printed parts. A roller is used to link the sheet which is then impressed to fabric or paper. A press or hand can be used to do the actual printing.


Single impression belonging to an image made out of a block that is re-printable. Litho stones, wood blocks or metal plates are used for the purpose of etching upon. Only one impression is produced rather than producing several copies of one image. Mono-printing has many techniques that include etching, lithography and woodcut.


A term that refers to both the resulting artwork and the medium. It is a method of painting where the paints used are made of pigments that are suspended in water soluble "vehicle". Watercolors appear luminous and are transparent because the pigments used are laid down in pure form and few fillers obscure pigment colors. By adding Chinese white, watercolor can be made to look opaque.

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