Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is coulored pencil?

What is coulored pencil?

Coloured pencils have a round core of different colored pigment encased in wood or are art sticks made with only solid pigment. The pigment is held together with a binder. Drawing spreads these ingredients on a surface, transferring color in varied widths.

Image © Daniilantiq/Shutterstock

Tom Wesselmann

Bedroom Face Sketch, 1979

Drawing / Watercolor

Coloured pencil

USD 15,000 - 20,000

Marcel Dzama

A Blind Man’s Scrap Book, 2018

Drawing / Watercolor

Coloured pencil

EUR 1,800

Marcel Dzama

A Blind Man’s Scrap Book, 2018

Drawing / Watercolor

Coloured pencil

EUR 1,800

Marcel Dzama

A Blind Man’s Scrap Book, 2018

Drawing / Watercolor

Coloured pencil

EUR 1,800

Dusseldorf school of photography

Dusseldorf School of Photography is the name for the photographers who studied under Bernd and Hiller Beecher at the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf during the 1970s. This group was devoted to the black and white industrial images of the German tradition called New Objectivity.

Neue Wilden

Neue Wilden is the term German artist used for neo-expressionism. In the 1970s and 80s, expressive painting emerged once more in the country, and artists embraced the intense colors and broad brushstrokes used. The movement grew in opposition to minimal and conceptual art.


Portmanteau word that was coined by James Seehafer, an American artist in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who mixed themes and aesthetic styles together with mass media that include pop art. This art is a development of surrealism that puts emphasis on technological effect on the image of contemporary surrealism. The difference between massurrealism and surrealism is the foundation of the later in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. 

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