Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is conté?

What is conté?

Conté is a vivid colored, waxy crayon. Nicolas-Jacques Conte’ invented them in 1795. Artists use sanding pads to sharpen their tips for drawing details, drag them flat on their sides for shading in large areas, and them to blend colors while drawing and sketching.

Image © BaLL LunLa/Shutterstock

Bauhaus was a school of art, design and architecture established in Weimar, Germany. Architect Wlater Gropius established it in 1919. Bauhaus used a method for teaching within a community of artists working together and incorporating art in the fundamentals of daily life.


An architectural and artistic philosophy of Russian origin that came as a rejection of the concept or idea of the famous autonomous art. The movement favored art as the best practice for the common social purposes. Since its origin in the year 1919, Constructivism has evolved and impacted in the 20th century art movements thus influencing major trends including De Stijl and Bauhaus movements.


Lettrism is an art form which uses letters, words and symbols to create an artwork. The art form was popularized in the 1950s in America, but was established in 1940s Paris. Lettrisme is the French spelling of the movement, and the French word for letter.

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