Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is conté?

What is conté?

Conté is a vivid colored, waxy crayon. Nicolas-Jacques Conte’ invented them in 1795. Artists use sanding pads to sharpen their tips for drawing details, drag them flat on their sides for shading in large areas, and them to blend colors while drawing and sketching.

Image © BaLL LunLa/Shutterstock
Capitalist Realism

Capitalist realism is a German form of political pop art which sought to challenge the influence American pop art had developed in the Western world. The Cold War era Berlin movement began in 1963, and represented the ideologies of both pop art and socialist realism.

Found Object

Found object is the term used for a man-made or natural object, or object fragment which an artist either finds or buys, keeping it for inspiration or as a work of art. The artist may also modify it, or use it for collage or assemblage.

Feminist art

Refers to the art that branched from the feminist art-movement between the years 1960-1970. It grew with the intention of criticizing the 20th century gender ideals including the canon of art history by creation of dialogue between artwork and the viewer through feminist lens.

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