Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Chalk?

What is Chalk?

Chalk is a natural mineral, primarily composed of calcium carbonate. In art, chalk refers to sticks used for drawing, made from a mixture of chalk, colored pigments, and gum Arabic. These sticks are usually shaped into four flat sides for easier handling.

Image © Parilov/Shutterstock
New Media Art

New Media Art is a genre that includes all artworks created using new technologies, such as computer graphics, digital art, virtual art, internet art, computer animation, video games, 3D printing, and robotics. This genre often explores themes related to mass media, telecommunications, and digital electronics. The methods for presenting New Media Art range from installations and performances to virtual and conceptual art


Avant-garde refers to innovative and experimental ideas in the arts that challenge established norms and conventions. Originating from the French term for "advance guard," it describes both the movement and the artists who push the boundaries of creativity, often exploring new techniques, forms, and concepts. The avant-garde has been a driving force in various art movements throughout history, such as Dadaism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism, continually reshaping the landscape of art and culture.

New Leipzig School

The New Leipzig School is a movement in modern German painting that represents the third generation of artists associated with the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. This movement reflects the post-reunification landscape of Germany. Unlike the first generation of Leipzig painters, the third generation does not have clear, defined characteristics or messages. Instead, their work blends figurative and abstract elements, placing a strong emphasis on creativity and experimentation.

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