Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a/the composition?

What is a/the composition?

Composition is the term used to describe the way elements are arranged within an artwork. The artist aims to create a pleasing relationship among the elements in the artwork. There are classical, geometric traditions for composition and contemporary movements which used new adjustments.

Image © wacomka/Shutterstock

Art medium in a stick form that consists of powdered pigment and binder. Pigments used for pastes are the same as those used in producing art media(colored). Pastel's color effect is closely similar to dry pigments than the effects of any other related process. Artworks produced using pastels are called pastel painting, pastel drawing or simply pastel. Pastel can also mean the production of artwork using pastels.

Modern Realism

Modern realism describes artwork which depicts things as they exist in reality. Because the art style followed after abstract art was developed, the art is generally painted or drawn using modern approaches while continuing to paint realistic subjects from everyday life.

Hyper modernism

Hyper-modernism is a cultural art movement which uses recent technological approaches and materials, but is in diametrical opposition to the modernist styles of art which preceded it. Hypermodernist artists create extremely realistic images, using all media, which may look like photographs.

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