Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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What is airbrush?

What is airbrush?

An airbrush is a device that sprays various media, including paint and ink, using compressed air. Artists use airbrushes to create a smooth, even application of color, often achieving effects that are not possible with traditional brushes. James Rosenquist, an American Pop artist, regularly used an airbrush in his work. Before gaining fame with pieces like the iconic F-111 (1965), he worked as a commercial and industrial painter, where he honed his airbrush skills.

Generative Art

Generative art refers to art that is wholly or partly created through an autonomous system. This system can be independent or non-human, capable of determining features that would otherwise be decided by the artist. The generative system can act as the creator or as a collaborator with the artist. Generative art often refers to works generated algorithmically by computers, where the system plays a significant role in the creation process.

Computer Art

Computer art refers to any type of digital imagery or graphic artwork created using a computer. Art curators often classify art made with computers as either digital art or new media art. Artists creating computer art leverage technological advancements to produce complex compositions.


Derived from the Latin word meaning flow, Fluxus is an international movement of designers, composers, and artists known for blending various artistic disciplines and media during the 1960s. The movement remains active in visual art, performance, design, architecture, urban planning, and other creative fields. Fluxus is sometimes referred to as nter-media and continues to play a pivotal role in expanding the definitions of what art can be.

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