Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a replica?

What is a replica?

Replica is the term used to describe a copy of an artwork. This type of copy is so well done that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the original art piece. Artists often make replicas of their own work.

Shock Art

Shock Art is a movement which incorporates disturbing images, scents or sounds to provoke a shocked reaction and experience in viewers. Viewed by critics and proponents as social commentary, either negative or positive, the art form seeks to use taboo, obscene or outrageous components.


Multimedia refers to the art technique of combining several single mediums together into one composition. Sometimes, it is called mixed-media. Artists often create new, personal techniques using combinations of art materials in different ways, and the new techniques become part of their unique artistic style.

Arte Povera

A movement and style in art that originated in Italy back in the 1960s. It combines concepts of minimalists, performance and conceptual art by making use of common or worthless materials like newspapers or stones with the hope of subverting the process of art commercialization.

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