Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a foundry?

What is a foundry?

A foundry is the place where metal is melted and shaped to make sculptures. Artists bring their finished wax sculptures to have the foundry create molds in the same shape, or create a finished metal sculpture using the wax sculpture.

Image © Ludomi? Sawicki / Unsplash
Sound Art

Artistic discipline where sound is used as a medium. Like the other contemporary art genres, Sound Art is interdisciplinary in its nature. It can engage with a wide range of subjects that include electronics, acoustics, noise music, psychoacoustics, audio media, video or film and sculpture among other subjects. Early examples of sound art include Luigi Russolo's noise intoners and other experiments done by surrealists, Dadaists and happenings of Fluxus among others.


Also called Dadaism, Dada was a literary and artistic movement that started in 1916 in the area of Zurich, Switzerland. It began as a rejection of rationalism and nationalism which were seen as practices that brought world war I. It also had some political affinities in addition to being an anti world-war I art. Dada activities were demonstrations, gatherings, and the publication of literary/art journals that covered culture and political topics.

Limited Edition Print

A limited edition print is one of a number of prints made at the same time from one printmaking plate. A fixed number are made and signed by the artist, indicating the printing order, using the format 1/10, meaning “first of ten prints”.

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