Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a diptych?

What is a diptych?

Diptych is the term used to describe an artwork which consists of two panels. These may be painted, carved, or created using a number of mixed media techniques. Some are attached using hinges, allowing for closing and protection, while others are displayed side by side.

Female and Male by Louise Bourgeois

Meaning School of things Mono-ha originated in Tokyo in the mid-1960s. Instead of traditional artwork, the artists of Mono-ha made use of the different materials and their various properties in their works to show dismay for the industrialization that was occurring in Japan at the time. The movement ended up gaining international attention and is a widely-respected form of art.

Eat Art

EAT( Experiments in Art and Technology) was a movement formed to develop and build collaborations between engineers and artists. It worked by contacting artists and engineers on a person-to-person basis. It was originally launched by artists Robert Whitman and Robert Rauschenberg and engineers Fred Waldhauer and Billy Kluver in 1967. The movement carried out activities and projects that expanded artist's role in the contemporary society.


Gestural is a term which describes painting with freely sweeping brush strokes. The main goal of gestural art was to allow the artist to physically portray emotional impulses. Viewers were thought to understand inner artistic thoughts revealed through the varied, yet expressive paint marks.

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