Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a Biennial?

What is a Biennial?

Biennial is the term used to describe an art exhibit displayed every two years. The participants are international, within a large scale event. The first was the 1895 Venice Biennale, held in a public park in the Giardini. The event now houses thirty permanent pavilions.

Image © Rui Alves / Unsplash

Cement is any variety of mixtures of clay, limestone, water, sand and gravel which forms concrete to be used as material for building things. To cement also means to join or unite. In art, cement can mean the process of gluing securely.


A term that refers to both the resulting artwork and the medium. It is a method of painting where the paints used are made of pigments that are suspended in water soluble "vehicle". Watercolors appear luminous and are transparent because the pigments used are laid down in pure form and few fillers obscure pigment colors. By adding Chinese white, watercolor can be made to look opaque.

Sound Art

Artistic discipline where sound is used as a medium. Like the other contemporary art genres, Sound Art is interdisciplinary in its nature. It can engage with a wide range of subjects that include electronics, acoustics, noise music, psychoacoustics, audio media, video or film and sculpture among other subjects. Early examples of sound art include Luigi Russolo's noise intoners and other experiments done by surrealists, Dadaists and happenings of Fluxus among others.

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