Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Kerry James Marshall

Obras artísticas originales firmadas e ilustraciones de edición limitada a la venta

Inspired heavily by the events of the Civil Rights movement in addition to the Black Power movement events,Kerry James Marshall is an American painter and sculpture artist who seeks to relay his life experiences growing up through the use of dark abstraction like paintings.
« There are always going to be complications, but to a large degree, everything is in your hands. »
Kerry James Marshall
While his art style can best be described as a modern realist artist, Kerry James Marshall is often related to other artists' styles via the likes of Amy Hill, Mark Jacobson, and several others. Throughout the course of Kerry James Marshall's artistic career, he has shared his artwork with the public through canvas paintings and elaborate sculpture works.
« My ambition was never to make a lot of money. It wasn't to travel around the world. I was really just struggling to make the best pictures I could make. »
Kerry James Marshall

He has been published many times and many of his works are on exhibit in many of the greatest known galleries. While many of his works were done during the 1980s and 90s, Marshall's best-known works include a superhero comic boo Saber Más

Kerry James Marshall

Woman, 2015

Print De Edición Limitada

Grabado Aguatinta

Actualemente No Disponible

¿Nuevas obras artísticas?

Vende una obra de arte de Kerry James Marshall

¿Posees una obra de arte de Kerry James Marshall que deseas vender?
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¿Posees una obra de arte de Kerry James Marshall que deseas vender?
Te invitamos a enviarnos los detalles. Continuamente buscamos adquirir piezas excepcionales para nuestra colección.

Ofrecenos tu obra de arte
¿Qué es el arte figurativo?

¿Qué es el arte figurativo?

A veces denominado figurativismo. Describe particularmente las esculturas y pinturas claramente o específicamente derivadas de fuentes de objetos reales, por lo tanto, son representadas como "arte figurativo". Este término se utiliza a menudo como un contraste del arte abstracto. Sin embargo, desde la llegada del arte abstracto, este término se utiliza para referirse a cualquier forma de arte moderno con fuertes referencias a la situacion actual o real del mundo.

Damien HIRST | H12-2 (Large) | Giclée printing available for sale on composition gallery

Damien Hirst

H12-2 (Large), 2023

Limited Edition Print

Giclée Printing

GBP 9,000 - 12,000

 Mr Brainwash | Mona Lisa | Mixed Media available for sale on

Mr. Brainwash

Mona Lisa, 2009

Limited Edition Print

Mixed Media


Alex KATZ | Ursula | Digital Print on paper available for sale on composition gallery

Alex Katz

Ursula, 2017

Limited Edition Print

Digital Print On Paper

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