Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is mezzotint?

What is mezzotint?

Mezzotint is a printmaking technique where a copper or steel plate is roughened to print solid black. The artist then smooths specific areas of the plate to create varying tones, from deep blacks to delicate grays and whites. By controlling the degree of smoothing, the artist can achieve detailed gradations of light and shadow. This method results in prints with rich, velvety textures and subtle transitions between light and dark areas.

Image © Casimiro PT/Shutterstock

CoBrA stands for Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam; this group was formed with a desire to break away from the then existing movements. The Western society criticisms made it experimentally evolve to become a reputable international movement. CoBrA was started by Karel Appel, Joseph Noiret, Corneille, Christian Dotremont, Constant and Asger Jorn on November 8th 1948 at Notre Dame Cafe, Paris where its manifesto was signed. Their unifying factor was the need for freedom of both form and color and their working was based on experiment and spontaneity.


A style in music and visual arts that uses designs that are pared-down. It began in Western art after world war II strongly in the American Visual arts. Minimalism greatly derives modernism aspects and is often seen as an anti-Abstract Expressionism and to some extend, a connection to the practices of post minimal art. Some of the prominent artists are Agnes Martin, Donald Judd, Robert Morris,Frank Stella and Dan Flavin.

Environmental art

This is a collective term used to refer to a wide range of arts and practices that include the historical and ecological approaches to artistic works. The term often encompasses the ecological concerns though it is neither certain nor specific on this. It acknowledges and appreciates the early history environmental art movement as well as the art with a lot of activist concerns not forgetting the art that celebrates the connection between nature and the artist by use of natural materials.

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