Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Epreuvre d’Artist?

What is Epreuvre d’Artist?

Épreuve d'Artist refers to the artist's proofs in a limited edition run of prints. Artists commonly reserve a few prints for their own personal use. These are usually marked with the abbreviation E.A. for épreuve d'artist or AP for artist's proof.

Art Nucleare

Arte nucleare was the name of a Milan artist group founded in 1951. The group sought to make art which responded to the dangers and technology of the nuclear age. Their works proposed using automatic techniques, and included devastated landscapes and renderings of bomb clouds.

Etching and Aquatint

Etching and Aquatint are terms related to printing. An Aquatint has the master printing plate etched with microscopic pits and cracks to produce unlimited gradations in tone. This helps to re-create the broad and flat tints seen in watercolor drawings and ink washes.

New British Sculpture

Name that refers to the work produced by a group of sculptors, installation artists and artists who exhibited together in London in the 1980s. These artists included Richard Deacon, Richard Wentworth and Tonny Cragg. Tim woods has greatly helped identify this movement by the 4 major themes, Kitsch and Pop Synthesis, Bricolage of UK urban waste, Assignment of meanings to objects and a play of wit, humor and play.

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