Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is emulation?

What is emulation?

Emulation is a process which recreates digital art so that it will remain an artwork even though the technology which created it may have become obsolete. Art made with the earliest cameras, software and computers is conserved by emulating artworks using newer, existing technology.

Image © Javier Garcia Chavez / Unsplash

Psychological theory that started in 1968 at the time when the debate on Person-situation was triggered through a monograph publication by Walter Mischel. It is an approach to art behavior that states that there are no general traits. It holds that behavior is externally influenced by situational factors from environment rather than motivations and internal traits. It thus challenges trait theorists like Raymond B. Cattel and Hans Esyenck. Major movement linked to situationism is Situationist International founded by Asger Jorn.

Graffiti Art

Drawings and writing painted, scratched or scribbled on a wall or any other surface mostly in a public place. Graffiti art is wide and ranges from small to elaborate writings or wall paintings. This art has been in existence since the ancient times with some of the commonly used examples dating back to Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt.


Bauhaus was a school of art, design and architecture established in Weimar, Germany. Architect Wlater Gropius established it in 1919. Bauhaus used a method for teaching within a community of artists working together and incorporating art in the fundamentals of daily life.

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