Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Eat Art?

What is Eat Art?

EAT( Experiments in Art and Technology) was a movement formed to develop and build collaborations between engineers and artists. It worked by contacting artists and engineers on a person-to-person basis. It was originally launched by artists Robert Whitman and Robert Rauschenberg and engineers Fred Waldhauer and Billy Kluver in 1967. The movement carried out activities and projects that expanded artist's role in the contemporary society.

Artwork by Daniel Spoerri

Cement is any variety of mixtures of clay, limestone, water, sand and gravel which forms concrete to be used as material for building things. To cement also means to join or unite. In art, cement can mean the process of gluing securely.


Conté is a vivid colored, waxy crayon. Nicolas-Jacques Conte’ invented them in 1795. Artists use sanding pads to sharpen their tips for drawing details, drag them flat on their sides for shading in large areas, and them to blend colors while drawing and sketching.


Mosaic is the process of creating images using many different pieces of colored tile or glass. It can take hundreds placed closely together to build an entire work. The pieces are organized like puzzles, with each piece being part of the whole picture.

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