Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is bricolage?

What is bricolage?

Bricolage is the creation or construction of a piece of art using materials which happen to be available to the artist. The word is French, and approximately means to do something yourself. It is an approach popularized when materials were in short supply.

Image © cate_89/Shutterstock
Drawing / Watercolor

Drawing and watercolor are two traditional art techniques which stand alone as media, but are often used in conjunction with each other. Drawing can create the basic outlines for watercolor painting. Drawing over dried watercolor or using watercolor pencils are combined media techniques.


A watercolor paint that's opaque unlike the usual transparent watercolors. It gives an artist the freedom to paint layers from the light to the dark ones. Gouache is often used for the solid colors when painting. It is a type of paint in the wide category of the water-media that consists of a pigment, binding agent and an inert material designed specifically for use in a method that is opaque.

Art Brut

A French term that means Raw Art. It was invented by Jean Dubuffet in an attempt to describe and explain naive and graffiti art made outside the normal fine art's academic tradition. He termed it as Outsider Art, made by loners, prisoners, the mentally ill and other groups of people considered marginalized. It is made without thought to presentation or imitation.

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