Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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What is bricolage?

What is bricolage?

Bricolage is the creation or construction of a piece of art using materials that are readily available to the artist. The term is French and roughly translates to do-it-yourself. This approach became popular when materials were scarce, encouraging artists to improvise and repurpose everyday objects. Bricolage emphasizes creativity and resourcefulness, often resulting in artworks that reflect the unique character of the materials used.

Acrylic on paper

Acrylic on paper is a technique that involves using acrylic paints on various paper types and textures. Artists often choose watercolor paper with smooth or rough surfaces to apply acrylics using watercolor techniques such as bleeding, washing, and spattering. This approach allows for a wide range of effects, combining the flexibility of acrylics with the delicate qualities of watercolor methods.

Behavior Art

A Chinese term that describes performance art. This concept is relatively new and may be challenging to articulate unless people understand the intentions behind it. It is a flexible concept that emphasizes everyday, common, and community-focused elements. The art form is heightened, refined, and reflective of how people behave, move, and live.

Pen and ink

Pen and ink is a traditional drawing technique that involves using a dip pen with India ink on paper. The fine tip of the dip pen is ideal for creating varied lines and detailed shading. Some artists prefer using a fountain pen with an ink reservoir for greater convenience.

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