Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


what is a watermark?

what is a watermark?

Watermark is the term used to describe an image in a sheet of paper. In the art of paper-making, each papermaker includes a faint trademark, which is easily seen when holding the paper up to a light source, which makes the mark clearly visible.

Art Nucleare

Arte nucleare was the name of a Milan artist group founded in 1951. The group sought to make art which responded to the dangers and technology of the nuclear age. Their works proposed using automatic techniques, and included devastated landscapes and renderings of bomb clouds.

Neue Wilden

Neue Wilden is the term German artist used for neo-expressionism. In the 1970s and 80s, expressive painting emerged once more in the country, and artists embraced the intense colors and broad brushstrokes used. The movement grew in opposition to minimal and conceptual art.

Conceptual art

Sometimes referred to as Conceptualism. It is an art where idea(s) or concept(s) included in the work come before material concerns and traditional aesthetic. Many of these conceptual artworks can be constructed by any person by simply following instructions written. The concept or idea is the most fundamental aspect of artwork.

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