Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

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What is a plate?

What is a plate?

A plate is a broad, primarily flat vessel used for serving food, but it can also serve ceremonial or decorative purposes. Plates are typically circular, though they can be any shape and made from various water-resistant materials. Most plates have raised edges, either by curving upward or featuring a wider lip. Vessels without a raised edge or with a more rounded profile are often considered bowls or dishes, while very large, plate-shaped vessels might also be classified as dishes.

Abstract art

Abstract art uses form, shape, line, and color to create a visual experience without attempting to represent external reality. The composition exists independently of the world's visual references, focusing on expressing ideas and emotions through non-representational means.


Also known as Dadaism, Dada was a literary and artistic movement that began in 1916 in Zurich, Switzerland. It emerged as a rejection of rationalism and nationalism, which were seen as contributing factors to World War I. The movement had political undertones and was strongly anti-war. Dada activities included demonstrations, gatherings, and the publication of literary and art journals that explored cultural and political topics.

Drawing / Watercolor

Drawing and watercolor are two traditional art techniques which stand alone as media, but are often used in conjunction with each other. Drawing can create the basic outlines for watercolor painting. Drawing over dried watercolor or using watercolor pencils are combined media techniques.

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