Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a plate?

What is a plate?

A plate is a broad, concave, but mainly flat vessel on which food can be served. A plate can also be used for ceremonial or decorative purposes. Most plates are circular, but they may be any shape, or made of any water-resistant material. Generally plates are raised round the edges, either by a curving up, or a wider lip or raised portion. Vessels with no lip, especially if they have a more rounded profile, are likely to be considered as bowls or dishes, as are very large vessels with a plate shape.

Artwork by Stephan Balkenhol
Cracking Art Group

Italian art movement that comprises of artists from Italy, Belgium and France known for creation of public installations that include use of recyclable plastic to make massive animal sculptures. The artwork examines and signifies the rupture that exists between synthetic and natural worlds with plastic construction symbolizing synthetic world and the animals referring to the natural world.


Happening is the term used to describes artistic, theatrical events held by artists of the 1950s and 60s. These events were usually staged in a gallery installation or planned environment which featured audience participation, lighting, sounds and slide projections. Later, performance art included the artists.

Graffiti Art

Drawings and writing painted, scratched or scribbled on a wall or any other surface mostly in a public place. Graffiti art is wide and ranges from small to elaborate writings or wall paintings. This art has been in existence since the ancient times with some of the commonly used examples dating back to Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt.

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